Using variables can enable the creation of even more dynamic pages.
Have a newsletter and want to insert your customer's name on the page they click to? Have a landing page where only one phrase changes? Variables make these swaps easy.
Start by setting your after value like so:
{{variable#1:Fallback Here!}}
Now, when you want to access your variable on your page, set it in your URL like:
Use variable-el-1
The text in the URL will match the casing of your fallback text. For example, if your fallback text sentence case like:
I am fallback text
That URL will give:
I am swapped text
Your available options are:
Any " I " will be automatically capitalized as well.
There is no limit to how many variables you can add to your swaps. Just add variable-el-5 to your URL and the {{variable#5:Fallback}} to your swap, or any other number for the swaps to work.
If in your URL there is a debug=true, the swap will be unprocessed. Simply remove that and the final value will be shown once the server updates.